Hello everyone,
You know, its been only 4 days now since I've been back in country, and I've never such a sense euphoria before. The last week has been a whirlwind of stuff going on all at once. A 17 hour flight from Kuwait, then stop in Ireland, and finally back to the states has turned into a bit of a blur. While flying home, my senses told me I was still in Iraq, that it wasn't quite real. Even after we touched down, it still didn't feel real. Then an hour drive to base to turn in my weapon (I kept feeling I was missing something for a couple of days) and get my blood drawn.
After the second day or so, thats when I felt the deployment was over. The last week though has been one thing after another where I've been torn in a bunch of different direction trying to set up everything in the house to car troubles to other things. I still feel like my clock is a little off, which is why I probably typing at 5 in the morning. It was really bad the first night. I woke up at one in the morning, not being able to go back to sleep. Its a work in progress.
Now, it seems the last six months have become surreal-like, stuffed into a living dream, if that makes any sense. But before it hadn't set in that it has been six months of time loss. Everything stayed the same over there, while things changed dramatically over here. But getting back in the routine of things is getting better day by day. All in all, my phone should be up and running by next Friday, so expect a call of two. I'll talk to everyonne real soon.
- Mar 18 Sat 2006 03:20
I am back